Wednesday, June 03, 2009

For Today June 2, 2009

Outside my window... it is bright and sunny. I just saw the first bus going downtown go by, it is 6:00AM

I am thinking...that I need to go take Jack for a walk and then get ready for work.

From the learning rooms....I learned these new text shortcuts:
<3 love
bi5 back in five
nmu not much you?
jk just kidding
ss so sorry
vbs very big smile
^5 high five
zzzz bored
Maybe u have already been using these, but they are new 2 me.. VBS

I am thankful, happy children, dark chocolate, sunny days, having enough, a loving hubby.

From the kitchen...nothing, coffee machine is beeping.

I am leotard, yoga pants, flip flops.

I am reading... French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano.

I am hoping...that the weather remains nice for the rest of the week.

I am creating... nothing.

I am hearing... the birds singing.

Around the house.....very quiet.

One of my favorite things...dancing, watching So you think you can Dance.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Aerobic class, work.

Here is the picture I am sharing...One of the Hostas in my garden. It is very pretty at the moment, by mid summer it will be bug eaten.


LadyT said...

Happy Wednesday Claudia.

It bugs my family that when I text them I won't use any of the word/sentences shortcuts. Especially when they carry it over in email thinking everyone knows the shortcuts. LOL!! (That's about the only one I use). I'm not a fan of: How R U? It takes me the same amount of time to write: How are you? Whew! I really sounded off didn't I!! ~VBS~

I love Hosta, especially the varigated kind like yours. But you're right, by late summer they are usually eaten up.

Have a great day my friend. ~Hugs~

Marge said...

Good morning Claudia,

Thanks for the shortcuts - now I learned something new too!

Your piccie reminds me of the hostas I had in Ohio. Without fail, the slugs would get mine every year too!

Love the new graphics you have here. Happy day, dear friend. Hugz!!