Wednesday, June 03, 2009

For Today June 2, 2009

Outside my window... it is bright and sunny. I just saw the first bus going downtown go by, it is 6:00AM

I am thinking...that I need to go take Jack for a walk and then get ready for work.

From the learning rooms....I learned these new text shortcuts:
<3 love
bi5 back in five
nmu not much you?
jk just kidding
ss so sorry
vbs very big smile
^5 high five
zzzz bored
Maybe u have already been using these, but they are new 2 me.. VBS

I am thankful, happy children, dark chocolate, sunny days, having enough, a loving hubby.

From the kitchen...nothing, coffee machine is beeping.

I am leotard, yoga pants, flip flops.

I am reading... French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating for Pleasure by Mireille Guiliano.

I am hoping...that the weather remains nice for the rest of the week.

I am creating... nothing.

I am hearing... the birds singing.

Around the house.....very quiet.

One of my favorite things...dancing, watching So you think you can Dance.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Aerobic class, work.

Here is the picture I am sharing...One of the Hostas in my garden. It is very pretty at the moment, by mid summer it will be bug eaten.