Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For Today March 17, 2009

Outside my window... it is cloudy, I am sitting by the pool there are palm trees and pretty flowers. There is no snow here only sunshine and green grass.

I am thinking... that I have to work on my tan, just a little.

From the learning rooms...I learned that Target is a pretty big store, and I don't think I will be going back.

I am thankful for...for arriving here in Florida safe and sound.

From the kitchen...no kitchen, I'm sitting at the Club House by the pool.

I am wearing... pajama bottoms, t-shirt, sweater, and sandals.

I am reading... The Eight by Catherine Neville.

I am hoping... that the geraniums I started from seeds wont' die while I'm away.

I am creating... nothing today.

I am hearing... Felix crying in the kitchen, he wants me to go downstairs with him and the hockey on the TV in the living room.

Around the house... I put in a load of laundry.

One of my favorite things... listening to the radio.

A few plans for the rest of the week... a couple of aerobics classes and work and final preparations for our vacation.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...This is the Club House for the community where our vacation rental is located.