Monday, May 18, 2009

For Today May 18, 2009

Outside my window... it is bright and sunny sunny the sun, the sun is setting later.

I am thinking...that it would be nice to have more Monday's off.

From the learning rooms....the best perennials to plant.

I am thankful for...a great day we had for gardening.

From the kitchen...all is quiet.

I am wearing...pajamas bottoms, short sleeve pink t-shirt, and flip flops

I am reading... The Eight by Catherine Neville still.

I am hoping...that the temperature will not go down as low as predicted so the annuals I planted won't freeze.

I am creating... the garden.

I am hearing... TV playing in the livingroom, Chris Mathews is on.

Around the house....doing a load of washing, gardening.

One of my favorite and more flowers.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Aerobic class at lunchtime, work aerobic class, work...a little more planting.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with's a picture of the front taken today with the border replaced and the cacao mulch Tony put down today. The light is not good to take pictures right now so we'll take some later this week.


Connie said...

Hi Claudia: Your house looks so neat. It's nice here todaay. The scy is almost cloudless and the sun is shing. Have a great day. HUGS

Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia,
How pretty your house looks. I hope you get to plant your flowers soon.
Have a good day and Happy Gardening.

Marge said...

Hi Claudia,
Your house is so pretty. Tony does a wonderful job in the yard. Can't wait to see more piccies. Hugz!!